Hi. Chico here. I just wanted to announce my presence here, if nothing else.
My tastes may float comfortably in the same end of the pool as Vidiot’s (gins & whiskies (& whiskys!) as starting points, fanning out to everything else from there), but he has most certainly refined them to a whole new level. I’ll be reading this blog with as much interest as you to see where this goes.
Insofar as I’ll be contributing to Cocktailians, it’ll probably be on a much more basic level than my highly esteemed and most excellently educated colleague. I kind of suspect his (and, at least in equal measure, Mr. Taggart’s) entries will tend toward what-to-do, while my contributions, such as they shall be, will tend more toward what-not-to-do. Misadventures, horror stories, beer goggles, anything one might drink on a dare; these are a few of the things I feel comfortable experiencing for you. Hopefully, I'll get some things right (or at least glom on to other people's successes and good times), but frankly, I know which side of my bread has the proverbial butter.
Starting in a couple of weeks, I’ll once again be financially solvent enough to start actively participating in the greater culture of potables, at which point I look forward to getting my education back on. Until then, I’ll be watching this space and taking notes. Just like you should.