If you're one of the seventy million or so critics and bloggers (or one of the nine Nielsen families) who are distraught about the hiatusizing of the sitcom Community, GOOD Magazine is here to help. And by help, I mean give you something to drink while we wait for some other NBC turd to get cancelled, so they can get the best sitcom since Arrested Development over the 88-episode threshold and into sweet, lucrative syndication.
You might want to cut back on portions for the Seven & 7, as their recipe is made to serve a few million people at a time. But the variation they call a Six Seasons And A Movie? Well, it might not be streets ahead, but it's certainly a nice Chang from the original. And the real cane sugar will make the drink really pop-POP!
Okay, I'm done. Apologies for the in-jokes, it's been a while.