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October 13, 2008


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But, But, But! Wikipedia is always right! Right?

In all seriousness, I think one of the best things about this month's MxMo is a chance to really take a second look at drinks like this. I have to admit that I've never had a White Russian.

Sorry to rant on your blog space, Doug, but it's time to let the world know: The Coen Brothers stole from my life to make Lebowski. And, to quote Eddie Murphy, when I see them boys, I'm gonna stick my foot so deep up their ass, their breath gonna smell like shoe polish.

Summer of 1991, me and my close friend Brian spent a summer working in Yellowstone Park. Brian decides to quit smoking. Brian channels his energy into playing guitar, performing "Peaceful Easy Feeling" by the Eagles. I tell Brian that's a stupid song. Brian leaps across the room and attacks me. Brian is instantly filled with remorse. Brian give me some Oreo cookies.

Years later, a cab driver flies into homicidal rage and throws the dude out of his cab because he dissed "Peaceful Easy Feeling."

That ain't no coincidence. That's plagiarism! Coen boys, if you're reading...I'm on to you!

Beautiful summary of both the movie and the drink! You are clearly a person of exceptional taste & breeding.

Plus, that portable caucasian kit is one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

I prefer mine with more kahlua than vodka, though that isn't the norm. :) Found your blog via Dear PR Flack. Evernoted :)

I just found your blog and I love it! I am a huge travel bar fan and that one is fantastic. Love White Russians too.

If you get a chance to stop by, check out my blog.


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