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January 25, 2008


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I've still got a lot to play with, regarding the use of true absinthe.

I used Lucid in a Zombie Punch a few weeks back, and was treated to the most insane rollercoaster of flavors... it was more layered, flavor-wise, then the best Tripel Belgian I've ever had. It was a true journey in a drink.

Once I can balance this out, I'll post the results. Meanwhile, user Herbsainte if you can, it's great stuff, and a lot more complex than Pernod!

Excellent piece of cocktail reportage, Mr. Bali Hai. I shall have to mix one of these up myself.

Blair, your experiment using Lucid sounds similar to what I experienced with Mr. Jekyll: a major opening up of the flavors within the drink.

I don't think I'll be using the Pernod anymore, at least not until I run out of the Jeykll.

Max, you won't regret it.

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