As threatened earlier, cocktail guru/historian/writer David Wondrich showed up on Conan Friday night.
And because this is the twenty-first freakin' century and we live in a digital age and all that, the segment's already been uploaded to YouTube:
UPDATE: ....and. no it's not. It's been pulled. (When will NBC learn that this hurts no one? (You'd have thought the "Lazy Sunday" brouhaha some time back would have brought this to mind.) This isn't going to make anyone not watch Conan, or not buy Wondrich's new book; if anything, it'll only heighten interest in both of them and what they're up to.)
At any rate, as Trader Tiki notes in the comments, NBC does at least have the episode on their site for viewing. Go here, go to "Select Episode", choose "Friday January 11", and then go to Act 4. (And hope their player doesn't crash your browser -- it nuked my Firefox session twice.)
And.. it's already been pulled.
The NBC Page has the episode in full, but it's likely to go away pretty soon.'Brien/video/episodes.shtml
Posted by: Blair, aka Trader Tiki | January 14, 2008 at 04:45 PM
Thanks. (and shoot!)
Updated to reflect new developments.
Posted by: Vidiot | January 15, 2008 at 03:14 AM